Dear Colleagues and Students;
The 28th International Biomedical Science & Technology Symposium (www.biomed2024.org), which will be organized jointly by the Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Association and Kocaeli University between 1-3 November 2024, will be held at Kocaeli University Kartepe Park Hotel in Kocaeli. It is our great pleasure to invite you to take part in the BIOMED 2024. The symposium series was started in 1994, and is held every year with the aim to bring scientists in both basic and applied research in the fields of biomedical science and technology. The program is being designed to encourage the exchange of new information, and support an interchange of opinions relevant to the focused topics, namely Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering, Implants, Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine, In Vitro Models, Nanomedicine, Biosensors, and others.
The meeting is endorsed by the “Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Society (BTES - Türkiye)”.
Participation from the academy, clinical research centers and industry is encouraged. Your active participation in the scientific program will be the fundament for a successful event in 2024.
Kind regards,
Chair - BIOMED 2024
Kocaeli University, Kocaeli, Türkiye
Rector of Kocaeli University
Symposium Honorary President
Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
Cell-biomaterial interactions, biointerfaces biomimicry
Additive manufacturing, bioprinting, biofabrication
In vitro tissue and disease models, organoids
Biological matrices
Nano biocomposites, nanotherapeutics, nanotip
Drug and gene delivery systems
Microfluidic based diagnostic and modeling systems
Computer modeling
Medical devices
Transfer from laboratory to clinic
Biomedical innovation
Ayşe Eser ELÇİN | Ankara University, Ankara, Türkiye |
Caner DURUCAN | Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Türkiye |
Cem BAYRAM | Hacettepe University, Ankara, Türkiye |
Gamze TORUN KÖSE | Yeditepe University, Ankara, Türkiye |
Kezban ULUBAYRAM | Hacettepe University, Ankara, Türkiye |
Mahmut PARMAKSIZ | Ankara University, Ankara, Türkiye |
Nermin DEMİRKOL | Kocaeli University, Kocaeli, Türkiye |
Nesrin HASIRCI | Middle East Technical University & NEU, Ankara, Türkiye |
Vasıf HASIRCI | Acibadem Mehmet Ali Aydinlar University, Istanbul, Türkiye |
Yaşar Murat ELÇİN | Ankara University, Ankara, Türkiye |
Nermin DEMİRKOL ( Kocaeli University ) (Chair) |
Ahmet ERDEM ( Kocaeli University ) |
Cem BAYRAM ( Hacettepe University ) |
Gökhan DURUKSU ( Kocaeli University ) |
Hasan İsmail YAVUZ ( Kocaeli University ) |
İbrahim MUTLU ( Kocaeli University ) |
Mahmut PARMAKSIZ ( Ankara University ) |
Serap MERT ( Kocaeli University ) |
Talip ÇELİK ( Kocaeli University ) |
Yasemin TABAK ( Tübitak ) |
Zeynep Taşlıçukur ÖZTÜRK ( National Defence University ) |
Füsun ACARTÜRK | Gazi University, Türkiye | Yasuharu OHGOE | Tokyo Denki University, Japan | |||
Mauro ALINI | AO Research Institute Davos, Switzerland | Banu ONARAL | Drexel University, USA | |||
Zeynep ALTINTAŞ | Technical University of Berlin & Kiel University, Deutschland | Meral ÖZGÜÇ | Hacettepe University, Türkiye | |||
Malcolm ALISON | Business Continuity Institute, United Kingdom | Murugan RAMALINGAM | University of Strasbourg, France | |||
Luigi AMBROSIO | CNR-ICBM, Italy | José Luis Gómez RIBELLES | Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain | |||
Rüçhan AKAR | Ankara University, Türkiye | Julio San ROMAN | Spanish National Research Council, Spain | |||
Hakan AKBULUT | Ankara University, Türkiye | Işık YULUĞ | Bilkent University, Türkiye | |||
Yavuz Nuri ERTAŞ | Erciyes University, Türkiye | Paul SANTERRE | University of Toronto, Canada | |||
Ayhan ATTAR | Ankara University, Türkiye | Ahmed EL-SHEIKH | University of Liverpool, United Kingdom | |||
Kaan AYDOS | Ankara University, Türkiye | Menekşe Ermiş ŞEN | Middle East Technical University, Türkiye | |||
Elizabeth R. BALMAYOR | Technical University of Munich, Deutschland | Aylin Şendemir ÜRKMEZ | Ege University, Türkiye | |||
Cem BAYRAM | Hacettepe University, Türkiye | Mehmet TONER | Harvard University, USA | |||
Mehmet BİNNET | Ankara University, Türkiye | Michel VERT | University of Montpellier, France | |||
M. Dinçer BİLGİN | Adnan Menderes University, Türkiye | Tzu- Wei WANG | National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan | |||
Reinhardt G. BRETZEL | University of Giessen, Deutschland | Hsi-Chin WU | Tatung University, Taiwan | |||
Aldo R. BOCACCINI | University of Erlangen - Nuremberg, Deutschland | Ali ZARRABI | İstinye University, Türkiye | |||
Nüket Örnek BÜKEN | Hacettepe University, Türkiye | Rıdvan YAMANOĞLU | Kocaeli University, Türkiye | |||
Giovanni CAMUSSI | University of Turin, Italy | Ying YANG | Keele University, United Kingdom | |||
Talip ÇELİK | Kocaeli University, Türkiye | Nilüfer YÜKSEL | Ankara University, Türkiye | |||
Federica CHIELLINI | University OF Pisa, Italy | Volga Bulmuş ZAREIE | Izmir Technology Institute, Türkiye | |||
Hüseyin ÇİMENOĞLU | Istanbul Technical University, Türkiye | Yuanyuan ZHANG | Wake Forest University, USA | |||
Xuesi CHEN | Changchun Institute, China | Halime KENAR | Kocaeli University, Türkiye | |||
Sema ÇALIŞ | Hacettepe University, Türkiye | Dilek Şendil KESKİN | Middle East Technical University, Türkiye | |||
Nermin DEMİRKOL | Kocaeli University, Türkiye | Gilson KHANG | Jeonbuk National University, South Korea | |||
Vivek DIXIT | University of California, California | Shuguang ZHANG | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA | |||
Serap DURKUT | Ankara University, Türkiye | Reha KİŞNİŞÇİ | Ankara University, Türkiye | |||
Caner DURUCAN | Middle East Technical University, Türkiye | Aysel Koç DEMİR | Ankara University, Türkiye | |||
Y. Murat ELÇİN | Ankara University, Türkiye | Petek KORKUSUZ | Hacettepe University, Türkiye | |||
A. Eser ELÇİN | Ankara University, Türkiye | Fatma Neşe KÖK | Istanbul Technical University, Türkiye | |||
Türkan ELDEM | Hacettepe University, Türkiye | Işınsu KUZU | Ankara University, Türkiye | |||
Nuray EMİN | Kastamonu University, Türkiye | Özge Lalegül ÜLKER | Ankara University, Türkiye | |||
Ahmet ERDEM | Kocaeli University, Türkiye | İbrahim MUTLU | Kocaeli University, Türkiye | |||
Murat EYUBOĞLU | Middle East Technical University, Türkiye | Thomas LINN | University of Giessen, Deutschland | |||
Anton FICAI | National University Of Science and Technology Politehnica, Romania | Ivan MARTIN | University of Basel, Switzerland | |||
Shahram GHANAATI | Goethe University, Deutschland | Jim MCWHIR | The Roslin Institute, United Kingdom | |||
Bora GARİPCAN | Bogazici University, Türkiye | Serap MERT | Kocaeli University, Türkiye | |||
Pedro GRANJA | Universit of Porto, Portugal | Claudio MIGLIARESI | University of Trento, Italy | |||
May GRIFFITH | University of Moneal, Canada | Yannis MISIRLIS | University of Patras, Greece | |||
İsmet Deliloğlu GÜRHAN | Ege University, Türkiye | Lorenzo MORONI | Maastricht University, Netherlands | |||
Maide GÜRSEL | Middle East Technical University, Türkiye | Robert M. NEREM | Georgia Institute of Technology, USA | |||
Martijn van GRIENSVEN | Technical University of Munich, Deutschland | Erdal ONURHAN | Middle East Technical University - Newtech Chemical Company, Türkiye | |||
Dirk W. GRIJPMA | University of Groningen, Netherlands | Murat ÖZGÖREN | Dokuz Eylul University, Türkiye | |||
Gültekin GÖLLER | Istanbul Technical University, Türkiye | Arif ÖZKAN | Kocaeli University, Türkiye | |||
Warren GRAYSON | Johns Hopkins University, Maryland | Selçuk ÖZTÜRK | Bozok University, Türkiye | |||
Menemse GÜMÜŞDERELİOĞLU | Hacettepe University, Türkiye | Chan Hum PARK | Hallym University, South Korea | |||
İhsan GÜRSEL | Bilkent University, Türkiye | Mahmut PARMAKSIZ | Ankara University, Türkiye | |||
Vasıf HASIRCI | Middle East Technical University, Türkiye | Erhan PİŞKİN | Hacettepe University, Türkiye | |||
Nesrin HASIRCI | Middle East Technical University, Türkiye | Rui L. REIS | University of Minho, Portugal | |||
Rıfkı HAZIROĞLU | Ankara University, Türkiye | Henry RODRIGUEZ | National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA | |||
Philippe HENON | MU, Mulhouse, France | Manuel Salmeron-SANCHEZ | University of Glasgow, United Kingdom | |||
Atilla HINCAL | Hacettepe University, Türkiye | Matteo SANTIN | University of Brighton, United Kingdom | |||
Allan HOFFMAN | Washington University in St. Louis, USA | Mehmet SARIKAYA | Washington University in St. Louis, USA | |||
Anthony HOLLANDER | University of Bristol, United Kingdom | Şükran ŞEKER | Ankara University, Türkiye | |||
Pınar Yılgör HURİ | Ankara University, Türkiye | Zerrin Sezgin BAYINDIR | Ankara University, Türkiye | |||
Hilal İLBARS | Türkiye. Min. Health, Türkiye | Tamer SINMAZÇELİK | Kocaeli University, Türkiye | |||
Fatih İNCİ | Bilkent University, Türkiye | Ralph SINKUS | King’s College London, United Kingdom | |||
Suheyla KAS | Hacettepe University, Türkiye | Yasemin TABAK | Tübitak, Marmara Araştırma Merkezi, Türkiye | |||
Ayşe KARAKEÇİLİ | Ankara University, Türkiye | Ayşen TEZCANER | Middle East Technical University, Türkiye | |||
Moustapha KASSEM | University of Southern Denmark, Denmark | Ali TUNCEL | Hacettepe University, Türkiye | |||
Semih KESKİL | Kirikkale University, Türkiye | Kurşad TÜRKŞEN | OHRI University, Canada | |||
C. James KIRKPATRICK | Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Deutschland | Bahattin TURETKEN | Kocaeli University, Türkiye | |||
Feza KORKUSUZ | Hacettepe University, Türkiye | Kezban ULUBAYRAM | Hacettepe University, Türkiye | |||
Gamze Torun KÖSE | Yeditepe University, Türkiye | İbrahim VARGEL | Hacettepe University, Türkiye | |||
Feng Huei LIN | National Taiwan University, Taiwan | Stefan Ioan VOICU | Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania | |||
Peter X. MA | University of Michigan, USA | Nihal Engin VRANA | Spartha Medical, France | |||
Diego MANTOVANI | University of Laval, Canada | Jie WENG | Southwest Jiaotong University, China | |||
Hans Jörg MEISEL | University of Halle, Deutschland | Jen Ming YANG | Chang Gung University, Taiwan | |||
Olcay MERT | Kocaeli University, Türkiye | Yusufhan YAZIR | Kocaeli University, Türkiye | |||
Sergei MIKHALOVSKY | University of Brighton, United Kingdom | Cemil YILDIZ | Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Türkiye | |||
Khosrow MOTTAGHY | RWTH Aachen University, Deutschland | Guangfu YIN | Sichuan University, China |
05 June 2024 | Early Registration Opening |
31 August 2024 | Early Registration Deadline |
30 September 2024 | Abstracts Submission Deadline |
01 October 2024 | Standard Registration Deadline |
15 June-15 October 2024 | Abstracts Review Notifications |
01-03 November 2024 | BIOMED 2024 Meeting |
P1 | 3D Printed Composite PLA Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration | Arden Çınar, Gözde Ervin Köle, Halime Kenar |
P2 | Fabrication and Characterization of Decellularized Extracellular Matrix-based Composite Scaffolds for Hard Tissue Repair | Aysel Koç Demir, Nuray Emin, Yaşar Murat Elçin |
P3 | Development of ADA-Gel Based Electroconductive Nanocomposite Hydrogel Bioinks | Ayşenur Acuner, M.Zahid Doğan, Dinçer Gökcen, Cem Bayram |
P4 | Design and Characterization of GelMA-Bioactive Glass Composite Bioinks for Tissue Engineering Applications | Elif Yüce, Burçin İzbudak, Banu Kocaağa, F.Seniha Güner, Aldo R.Boccaccini, Ayça Bal Öztürk |
P5 | Optimization of PLA Composites with GLYMO-Modified Hydroxyapatite: Effects on Mechanical Properties, Thermal Behavior and Cytocompatibility | Eylül Odabaş, Esin Akarsu |
P6 | PLA-PGS Composite Electrospun Mats for Construction of an in Vitro 3D Human Myocardial Tissue | Şimal Yaren Şahin, Halime Kenar |
P7 | Controlled Protein Release from Hydrolytically Degradable ‘Click’ Chemistry-Based Interpenetrating Polymer Network Hydrogels | Farouk Segujja, Görkhan Duruksu, Elif Beyza Eren, Aygün İsayeva, Ahmet Erdem |
P8 | Development of a Therapeutic Injectable Hydrogel for Spinal Cord Injury | Aylin Şendemir, İrem Evfa Küçük, Zehra Gül Morçimen, Fatmanur Kutlu, Elif Esin Hameş |
P9 | Evaluating the Antimicrobial Potential of Hydrogel Membranes Incorporating Plant-Derived Essential Oils | Doğa Kavaz, Temitayo Margaret Omoyeni |
P10 | Development of Hydrogel-Based Microneedle Patches for The Transdermal Delivery of Tetracycline and Retinoic Acid in Acne Vulgaris Treatment | Elif Cönger Önder, Başak Erdoğdu, Şükru Öztürk, İpek Eroğlu, Kezban Ulubayram |
P11 | Optimization of Hydrogel Composition to Mimic Brain Tissue of Neurovascular Unit | Gözde E.Kole, Vasıf Hasırcı, Deniz Yücel |
P12 | Quercetin-Conjugated Self-Healing PectaGel: A Novel Hydrogel for Enhanced Angiogenesis and Tissue Regeneration | Somaye Hormaty, Radiye Akyüz, Gülşah Torkay, Ayça Bal Öztürk, Banu Kocaağa |
P13 | UV-B-Induced Extracellular Vesicles in 3D Wound Models | Elif Hatice Ayten, Esin Akbay Çetin |
P14 | Injectable Adhesive and Transparent Wound Dressing Based on PRF-Integrated, Glycidyl Methacrylate-Functionalized Silk Fibroin for Corneal Ulcer Treatment | Şevval Melis Özyürek, Zarife Nigâr Özdemir Kumral, Ayça Bal Öztürk |
P15 | Comparison of Extracellular Matrix Components for Biofabrication of Bone Tissue Engineered 3D-Printed Models | Sibel Çınar Asa, Safa Şenaysoy, İpek Aydın, Elif Ertürk, Ferda Arı, Hüseyin Lekesiz |
P16 | Development of a 3D Printed Honeycomb Scaffold for Spinal Cord Injuries | Aslıhan Akalınlı, Deniz Yücel, Vasıf Hasırcı |
P17 | Fabrication of in Vitro 3D Human Dermal Model | Candan Yılmaz Özdoğan, Gürler Akpınar, Emek Doğer, Emrah Kağan Yaşar |
P18 | Innovative Wand Dressings Fabricated with Snail Mucus Extract Using a 3D Handheld Bioprinter for Diabetic Foot Ulcer Applications | Nazlı Ecem Tağrısever, Erkan Rayaman, Ayça Bal Öztürk |
P19 | Hemocompatible Decellularized Human Placental Membrane as Potential Graft for Pediatric Cardiac Surgery | Tuna Özürün, Barışcan Uzunkaya, Vasıf Hasırcı, Halime Kenar |
P20 | Mesoporous Silica a Tunable Support in Polyphenol Delivery | Denisa Ficai, Ludmila Motelica, Vasile Adrian Surdu, Bogdan Stefan Vasile, Ovidiu Cristian Oprea, Anton Ficai |
P21 | Effect of Polymer Concentration and Freezing Temperature on the Pore Structure of Foams Produced by Lyophilization | Deniz Başöz, Serçin Karahüseyinoğlu, Deniz Yücel |
P22 | In Vitro Gliosis Models on Electrospun Polycaprolactone Fibers | Doruk Budak, Pelin İlhan, Aylin Şendemir |
P23 | In Situ Fabrication of Poly(n-Butyl Methacrylate) Microneedles with an Innovative Micromolding Technique for Transdermal Drug Delivery | Safure Kılınç, Seda Nur Ekinci, Buğra Kağan Ünal, Şeyma Nur Yılmaz, Yağmur İnanç, Berat Anıl Şahin, Lokman Uzun, Soner Çakmak |
P24 | A Cost-Effective Fabrication of Polyvinyl Alcohol Microneedle Patches with Different Geometries | Seda Nur Ekinci, Safure Kılınç, Şeyma Nur Yılmaz, Yağmur İnanç, Berat Anıl Şahin, Buğra Kağan Ünal, Soner Çakmak |
P25 | Impact of EBSD Analysis on Biomaterials Characterization | Hasan İsmail Yavuz, Serkan Oktay, Egemen Avcu, Rıdvan Yamanoğlu |
P26 | In Vitro Tissue and Disease Models | Ayşegül Öztürk |
P27 | Design and Construction of a 3D Brain Tissue Model | Ekin Erdoğan, D.Arslantunalı Şahin, Sreeparna Banerjee, Vasıf Hasırcı |
P28 | Exploring the Potential of Keratin/PRF/GelMA/Hyaluronic Acid Scaffold Prepared via 3D Hand-Held Bioprinting Technology for Bone Tissue Damage Treatment | Fatma Nur Öztürk, Şevval Melis Özyürek, Zarife Nigâr Özdemir Kumral, Ayça Bal Öztürk |
P29 | Inspection of the Impacts of Variable Degumming Timeframes and Tyrosine Functionalization on the Biofunctional Efficacy and Adhesive Potency of Silk Fibroin-based Skin Tissue Adhesives | Samin DastjerdBurçin İzbudak, Ayça Bal Öztürk |
P30 | Development of PVP-Tannic Adhesive for Enhanced Tissue Regeneration and Wet Adhesion | Ş.Süeda Öksüz, Kübra N.Yamık, Öykünaz Duranlar, Banu Kocaağa, Ayşegül Okumuş, Cüneyt Ünlü, Elif Genceli Güner, F.Seniha Güner |
P31 | Advanced Lens Design and Analyis for Vascular Imaging in The MWIR Band | Burak Çelik, Bahattin Türetken |
P32 | Regenerative Effects of Exosomes on in Vitro Spinal Cord Injury Model | Cebrail Aydoğdu, Ecenaz Merve Namlı, Aylin Sendemir |
P33 | Synthesis of Black Titanium Dioxide Nanostructures by Electrochemical Methods | Eylül Yakar, Boğaç Kılıçarslan, Merve Gültekinoğlu, Cem Bayram |
P34 | Silk-Based Bilayered Membrane with Bioactive Glass Nanoparticles for Dental Barrier Membrane Applications | Ezgi Yücel, Batur Ercan |
P35 | Food Formulation for the Improvement of Brain Function- A Pilot Study | Yavanika Venkatraman, Yamini Sudha Lakshmi Sivaraman, Monisha Vaithilingam, Shiny Beulah David |
P36 | Production of Alumina (15 wt %) - Zirconia Based Dental Ceramics and Investigation of Bioactivity and Mechanical Properties | Şeyma Çakır, Nermin Demirkol |
P37 | Synthesis and Characterization of Nano Hydroxyapatite | Seda Karayünlü Bozbaş, Mustafa Burak Telli, Tugkan Kutlu |
P38 | Development of Human IgG Specific DiagnoBody Molecules | Öykü Baybek, Göknur Gizem Dinç, İlkay Göksu Polat, Ali Şahin, Huseyn Babayev, Özlem Ertekin Demirboğa |
P39 | Formation of Diverse Nanotube Morphologies on Ti6Al7Nb Alloys Via Electrochemical Anodic Oxidation and Investigation of the Surface Characteristics | M.Zahid Doğan, Eylül Yakar, Boğaç Kılıçarslan, Cem Bayram |
P40 | Assessment of Anticancer Potential of Bergaptol, A Furanocoumarin Derivate | Buse Bekar, Handan Sevim Akan |
P41 | Design of a Photobioreactor for Microalgae Production and PHB Extraction from the Produced Microalgae | Osman Arslan, Semra İde |
P42 | Synthesis and Characterization of Hydroxyapatite Derived from Eggshell | Sedef Dikmen, Nur Bayram, Semra Malkoç |
Note: Participants should hang their posters on their own poster numbers.
Abstract acceptance and post-event manuscript acceptance will be published after peer review.
A Type | B Type | C Type | D Type | E Type | F Type | G Type | H Type | |
EARLY REGISTRATION (5 June-31 August) |
2.800 ₺ | 1.400 ₺ | 2.500 ₺ | 1.250 ₺ | 2.100 ₺ | 1.050 ₺ | 1.900 ₺ | 950 ₺ |
LATE REGISTRATION (1 September-1 October) |
3.500 ₺ | 1.750 ₺ | 3.150 ₺ | 1.575 ₺ | 2.800 ₺ | 1.400 ₺ | 2.500 ₺ | 1.250 ₺ |
Guest Daily Participation | 950 ₺ |
Foreign Participation | 150 $ |
Foreign Guest Daily | 30 $ |
AType participation includes, normal participant registration fee, symposium registration bag, coffee breaks and lunch for 3 days.
BType participation includes normal participant registration fee, symposium registration bag, coffee breaks for 3 days.
CType participation includes participant registration fee of BTES Members, symposium registration bag, coffee breaks and lunch for 3 days.
DType participation includes participant registration fee of BTES Members, symposium registration bag, coffee breaks for 3 days.
EType participation includes, student registration fee, symposium registration bag, coffee breaks and lunch for 3 days.
FType participation includes, student registration fee, symposium registration bag, coffee breaks for 3 days.
GType participation includes student registration fee of BTES Members, symposium registration bag, coffee breaks and lunch for 3 days.
HType participation includes student registration fee of BTES Members, symposium registration bag, coffee breaks for 3 days.
IBAN Number: TR810001002726754295935004
IBAN Number: TR510001002726124001415009
1.Unpresented studies will be excluded from the symposium abstract booklet.
2.The poster's dimensions should be 70 x 100 cm.
3.The KOU and BIOMED 2024 logos will be placed in either the right or left corner of the poster.
4.The title of the poster should be written in Arial font with a font size of 55 points and using the color indicated in the poster scheme.
4.It is important to ensure that the title on the poster does not go over two lines.
5.The author's name(s) should be typed using a font size of 30 points or slightly greater and should be in bold.
6.The author address(es) should be provided in a font size of 26 points or somewhat greater.
7.All writers must provide their full name, surname, and address. The participant who will present the poster should have their name
8.Text headers should be written in 28-point (or bigger) font and in bold.
9.The content should be typed in a 20-point (or slightly larger) font.
10.References should be cited by name and year in the text and should be included in the bibliography section.
11.Posters will be hung on the numbered boards to be decided by the organizing committee.
12.Poster holders will be present at their posters throughout the time and hours stated in the schedule and will deliver information
12.about their work.
The 28th International Biomedical Science & Technology Symposium 2024 will take place at Kartepe Park Otel. Our 300-seat hall, equipped with advanced technology for corporate events, responds to all demands of the business world with professional service quality.
National Participation | Foreign Participation | |
Single Room | 2250 ₺ | 75 $ |
Double Room | 3500 ₺ | 120 $ |
Triple Room | 5000 ₺ | 160 $ |
National Participation | Foreign Participation | |
Single Room | 2000 ₺ | 60 $ |
Double Room | 3500 ₺ | 120 $ |
Kartepe Park Otel
Körfez Mah.
Ömer Yalçın Cad. No: 25
+90 (532) 493 57 35